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Willett Client WIA Testifies at State Budget Hearing

Last week, Willett Public Affairs client Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) testified at the Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Economic Development. Karmen Rajamani, VP of Government Affairs at WIA, delivered the testimony on behalf of WIA. She emphasized the importance of securing universal online access for all New Yorkers, an issue the State has faced for over a decade.

WIA represents the businesses that build, develop, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure and advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable connectivity across the country. The association leads a broad coalition of wireless infrastructure providers to effect positive change for the entire industry and the consumers it serves.

Willett is proud to represent the Wireless Infrastructure Association in New York, and we congratulate Karmen on a successful appearance before the budget hearing.

For more information on WIA, please visit

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